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Headphones Designed for Kids

Headphones designed for kids are specifically tailored to meet children’s comfort and safety concerns. Kids have unique needs when it comes to audio equipment, so it’s important to choose headphones designed specifically for them.

Headphones for Kids

Many auditory health organizations, like WHO recommend a maximum noise level of 85 decibels (dB), and we believe a child’s set of headphones shouldn’t go any louder than that.

Avoid buying earbuds or any in-ear model for children, as the closer the sound source is to the inner ear’s delicate workings, the more damage it might cause.

Also, just because your headphones have a volume restriction doesn’t mean you should let your kids wear them for hours. Even at 85 dB, wearing headphones for an extended period of time is not suggested.

Who should get kids headphones?

Kids headphones are a suitable choice for several situations and individuals.

  • Parents and Caregivers: Parents and caregivers are the primary individuals who should consider getting kids headphones for their children. They can provide a safe and controlled listening experience for children, whether for educational content, entertainment, or simply to keep kids occupied during travel or quiet times at home.
  • Families: Families with multiple children may find it beneficial to have headphones for each child to prevent arguments or disturbances between siblings. This can also allow for tailored content and volume levels for each child.
  • Schools and Educational Settings: In schools and educational settings, kids’ headphones can be used for online learning, computer labs, or language programs, ensuring that students can focus on their lessons without disturbing others.
  • Travelers: Families or individuals who travel frequently with children often find kids’ headphones helpful to keep children entertained during long journeys on planes, trains, or in the car. These headphones can also help reduce noise distractions in public places.
  • Special Needs and Sensory Issues: Children with sensory processing disorders or special needs may benefit from kids’ headphones to create a controlled sensory environment. Noise-canceling or noise-isolating headphones can help reduce sensory overload.
  • Entertainment Venues: Some entertainment venues, such as museums, theaters, and theme parks, may offer kids headphones for rent or purchase to enhance the experience for young visitors.

When selecting kids’ headphones, it’s important to consider the child’s age, needs, and intended use. Ensure that the headphones are appropriate for your child’s age group and provide features like volume-limiting to protect their hearing. Always supervise young children while they use headphones to make sure they are using them safely and responsibly.

Are there any headphones that are suitable for children?

Yes, there are several headphones that are specifically designed for children and are suitable for their needs. These headphones typically come with features that prioritize safety, comfort, and durability. Here are some headphones that are popular and well-suited for children:

1# Puro Sound Labs BT2200

Puro Sound Labs BT2200

These wireless headphones are known for their excellent sound quality and volume-limiting technology to protect children’s hearing. They have a comfortable over-ear design and come in a variety of colors.

2# BuddyPhones Explore

BuddyPhones Explore+, Volume-Limiting Kids

Designed for children aged 3 and up, these headphones offer volume-limiting settings, making them safe for young ears. They are also durable, foldable, and have customizable earpad stickers for a fun and personalized touch.

3# JBL JR300BT

JBL JR 310 - Kids On-Ear Headphones

JBL’s JR series is designed for kids and offers wireless headphones with a built-in microphone. They come in colorful, child-friendly designs and are lightweight and comfortable for extended use.

4# LilGadgets Connect+ Pro

ilGadgets Connect+ Kids Headphones

These wired headphones feature a SharePort, allowing kids to share audio with friends. They have a built-in microphone, an adjustable headband, and a volume-limiting switch.

5# Awatrue Kids Headphones

awatrue Kids Headphones

awatrue Kids Headphones Wired: Toddler Headphones with Microphone, Over-Ear Headphones, 85/94dB Volume-Limiting, 3.5mm Jack, Foldable On-Ear Design: Safe and Comfortable for Learning and Entertainment.

6# JLab Audio JBuddies Studio

JLab JBuddies Pro Wireless Over-Ear Kids Headphones

These headphones are built with kids in mind and come with a volume regulator, cushioned ear cups, and an adjustable headband. They are also available in various colors and styles.

What to Look for in a Pair of Children’s Headphones

Headphones designed for kids are specifically tailored to meet children’s unique needs and safety concerns. These headphones are typically designed with the following features in mind:

  1. Volume Limiting: One of the most critical features of kids’ headphones is volume limiting. These headphones have built-in volume limiters to ensure that the audio doesn’t reach dangerous levels for children’s sensitive ears. The maximum volume is often set to around 85 decibels to protect their hearing.
  1. Durability: Kids can be rough with their belongings, so these headphones are typically built to withstand some wear and tear. They often have reinforced cables and sturdy materials to ensure longevity.
  1. Size and Fit: Children’s heads and ears are smaller than those of adults, so kids’ headphones are designed to be a comfortable fit for younger users. They often have adjustable headbands and cushioned ear cups.
  1. Design and aesthetics: Kids’ headphones often feature fun and colorful designs with popular characters or themes to make them appealing to children.
  1. Cord Length: To prevent entanglement, kids’ headphones often have shorter cords or are equipped with a cord management system.
  1. Wireless Options: Some kids’ headphones come with wireless capabilities like Bluetooth, which eliminates the need for cords altogether, reducing the risk of tangling or accidents.
  1. Easy-to-Use Controls: Kid-friendly headphones often have simple, easy-to-use controls, including large buttons or switches that children can operate without much difficulty.
  1. Hygiene Considerations: Removable and washable ear cushions are sometimes included, making it easier to keep the headphones clean.
  1. Sharing Capabilities: Some kids’ headphones have the option to daisy-chain or share audio with a friend, which can be a fun feature for children during playdates.
  1. Noise Isolation: Noise isolation or cancellation features are not common in kids’ headphones due to safety concerns. These headphones are often designed to allow ambient sounds to be heard, ensuring children are aware of their surroundings.
Why Volume Limiting is Important

Volume limiting is crucial, especially when it comes to headphones for children, for several important reasons:

  • Protecting Hearing Health: The most significant reason for volume limiting is to protect the user’s hearing health. Prolonged exposure to loud sounds, especially through headphones placed close to the ears, can lead to permanent hearing damage. Children are more susceptible to hearing damage because their ears are still developing and more sensitive than those of adults.
  • Preventing Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL): Exposure to sounds above safe volume levels can lead to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), a condition that is irreversible and can have a lasting impact on a child’s quality of life. By limiting the volume, headphones reduce the risk of NIHL.
  • Compliance with Safety Regulations: In some regions, there are safety regulations and guidelines in place that require manufacturers to limit the maximum volume output of headphones for children. This ensures that headphones designed for kids are safe to use.
  • Preventing Discomfort and Pain: Listening to sounds at high volumes for extended periods can be uncomfortable and even painful. Volume-limiting headphones help prevent this discomfort, ensuring that children have a pleasant listening experience.
  • Promoting Responsible Listening: Volume-limiting headphones encourage responsible listening habits from a young age. Children can enjoy their favorite content while learning that they should not expose themselves to loud sounds, both for their enjoyment and for their health.
  • Reducing Disturbances: For parents and caregivers, volume-limiting headphones help prevent children from turning up the volume to disruptive levels, which can disturb others in the household or in public spaces.
  • Fostering Concentration: By keeping the volume at a safe and comfortable level, volume-limiting headphones allow children to concentrate on their audio content, such as educational materials, music, or videos, without being distracted by discomfort or potential hearing damage.
  • Customized Listening Experience: Volume limiters can be adjusted to different levels depending on the child’s age and specific needs. This allows parents to gradually increase the volume as the child gets older and better understands the importance of responsible listening.

It’s worth noting that individual susceptibility to hearing damage can vary, and some children may be more sensitive to noise than others. As a general guideline, parents and caregivers should be cautious about exposing children to loud environments and sounds. Kid-specific headphones with built-in volume limiters, as discussed earlier, can be a helpful tool in protecting children from excessive noise levels when they use audio devices.

Most headphones for kids play louder than advertised.

Some headphones for kids may indeed play louder than advertised due to various factors, including manufacturing variations and inconsistencies in volume-limiting mechanisms. This can be a concern, as it can potentially expose children to higher sound levels than are safe for their hearing. To mitigate this risk, there are several steps you can take:

  1. Test the Headphones: Before allowing your child to use the headphones, test them yourself to ensure they adhere to the stated volume limits. Play music or audio at the highest allowed volume and verify that it doesn’t exceed safe levels.
  1. Use External Volume Limiting Devices: You can use external volume-limiting devices, such as a portable volume limiter or attenuator, to further restrict the headphone’s output volume. These devices can provide an extra layer of protection and give you greater control over the sound level.
  1. Set Volume Limits on the Audio Source: Many devices, such as smartphones and tablets, allow you to set volume limits in their settings. Enabling this feature can help ensure that even if the headphones allow higher volumes, the device itself won’t output sounds that are too loud.
  1. Educate Your Child: Teach your child about responsible listening habits. Encourage them to report any discomfort or problems with the headphones. Help them understand the importance of not increasing the volume beyond safe levels.
  1. Supervision: It’s important to supervise your child while they are using headphones, especially if they are younger. This way, you can ensure that they are using the headphones correctly and not raising the volume to unsafe levels.
  1. Regularly Check the Headphones: Over time, headphones can wear out or develop issues that affect their volume-limiting features. Regularly inspect the headphones for any damage and test their volume to make sure they still adhere to safe levels.
  1. Purchase from Reputable Brands: Buying headphones from reputable brands that prioritize safety and quality can reduce the risk of issues with volume control. These brands are more likely to adhere to safety standards and regulations.

If you find that your child’s headphones consistently play louder than advertised, it may be wise to consider replacing them with a model from a trusted manufacturer that you can rely on for accurate volume limiting. Remember that the health of your child’s hearing is paramount, and it’s essential to ensure their headphones are safe for their use.


When selecting kids’ headphones, it’s important to consider the child’s age, needs, and intended use. Ensure that the headphones are appropriate for your child’s age group and provide features like volume-limiting to protect their hearing. Always supervise young children while they use headphones to make sure they are using them safely and responsibly.

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